Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Encouragement

This is one of our favorite songs right now. My kids love singing this song...
They sing: I shook my fist at Heaven and said, God why don't you do something?!
I sing: and God said I did, I created you...

We don't need to rich or famous or even popular. We don't have to have a big house or a nice care. We don't have to be patient and saintly. We only need to have faith and a relationship with Jesus in order to DO SOMETHING!
We don't need to go to Uganda and Haiti. We don't need to adopt. We don't need to do inner city minister. We simply have to DO SOMETHING!

God calls us each to our own journey. He calls some to adopt, some to foster, some to ministry, some to serving Him in their work environment, JUST DO SOMETHING!
God will take what little you have to offer and multiple it. Many times. Over and over. But first we must trust him. over and over...

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