So it's time to organize school. I am switching things up this year, trying something new. What we had last year worked, but it wasn't great. I didn't feel like the kids retained as much as they should have and a lot was just boring, rote type learning.
I have 2 that are naturally hungry for knowledge, devouring books, flying through school work, everything comes naturally. Then I have the other 2. I think, maybe, cross my fingers, they have attained a love for learning.
David was given a break from school work 2 years ago. I provided books and learning opportunities, but only as he wanted. They were there for him, but he was not on any schedule. I had fought many losing battles and decided that until he liked learning we were not getting anywhere.... Once the pressure was removed and he was able to work at his own pace, things turned around. He has adhd and some delays, he would much rather run and play then do schoolwork, but now he truly enjoys learning, most of the time.
Faythe... her education is an ongoing challenge. She is finally now after 3 years of school, (no preschool) almost halfway through second grade and will hopefully in this 4th year, finish second grade. I have tried everything for her. Nothing worked. She was happy to go through live without learning a thing. This summer, I decided to try Christian Light Education... for the first time ever, this child is making steady progress and SHE LIKES HER WORKBOOKS!! She remembers things she learned and gets excited about it! She is reading chapter books!!

Everyone has a box which they decorate for their school books. The box is stored either in the basement or their bedrooms. This allows us to do school, upstairs, downstairs or on the go without much hassle. We have a box of teacher books and a bag with school supplies, that just float around. Our art and craft supplies and toys are all in the basement. But mostly the kids prefer to sit around the table or in the living room to do school. The basement is more of a play area and creativity center.
We are also trying co op this year. I am a little nervous about the time commitment, especially since we will be babysitting again and have some other unexpected weekly commitments.
These are the classes the kids are taking for the fall co op:
Lee: science and research paper
David: build it, history and research paper
Elizabeth:Sewing and art
Faythe: history and social studies.
This is my curriculum for the year. (all is subject to change!)
Math: Teaching Textbooks for everyone except Fayth who is doing CLE
Science: Lee CO OP, the other 3 CLE
History: David and Fayth CO OP, Lee and Elizabeth, Abeka
Grammar: CLE for everyone
Spelling: A reason for spelling for everyone
Bible: CLE for everyone
HAndwriting: a reason for writing for Fayth
Social Studies: Co op Fayth, CLE for everyone else.
Music: easypeasyonline early american
P.E. running club, ymca?!?
Art: Tia CO OP, everyone else easy peasyonline
*Christian Light Education (very conservative but the kids find it interesting)
full schedule
Math, grammar, history, spelling, bible
Wednesday: visit day/library
Math, grammar, social studies, bible
Full schedule
Friday: co op
goal/rewards: accomplish all goals for the week for a special Friday dinner.
Over all goal:
Fayth be done with grade 2 by Christmas
sign up for spring co op
have all kids through xtra math by the end of the year
My kids do Xtramath in exchange for free computer time. It has really strengthened their math skills.