Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Favorite Ways to Relax & Refill

As a single mom with lots of kiddoes, it is really important to find ways to take care of yourself. It is also extremely difficult to take that time for yourself.

Quiet time each morning, along with coffee and a daily "to do" list are my daily moment of recharging.

Almost 2 years ago, one night all my church friends went out for their "Mom's Night Out". I could not find a sitter, as usual.  So in "poor me" moment, I bought myself a gift. A beautiful hammock for my backyard! This was one of the best things I ever bought for myself! I love laying out here in my backyard watching the kids swim or enjoying the quiet after they are bed. It's a sacred spot for me and I always feel refreshed and reconnected to Jesus.

Occasionally I even get treated to a pedicure while relaxing! These little moments are quick recharges and is almost better then going out for ladies night!

My second little recharge/guilty pleasure is my coffee. I love coffee, I need coffee. During some of the more stressful times of foster care, I allowed myself a mcd's or starbucks coffee with each appointment I attended. Def an extra expense so I savor each cup as a special treat, picturing it as a gift to myself.

I don't need a big vacation or dinner out in order to recharge and refresh. Quiet time on my deck, a special coffee from the coffee shop (even when kids are whining and fighting in the backseat), music, and hammock time are all little ways I take care of myself each day. You can not give to others out of an empty tank...


  1. Beautiful blog and I bet it is hard to find time being single - it was hard for me being married. Love your hammock and by the way I love my coffee too and I ran out of creamer this morning and can't get to the store because today is the day I watch my 11 mo old grandson. Thanks for sharing. Debbie W. (Proverbs 31 OBS Ministries)

  2. Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world! Single mom life is not easy. You are teaching me to find the little things in life and not take them for granted. I love your hammock! It is a little vacation every time! Hugs! Mary B. P31 OBS team

  3. Thank you ladies for the kind words!!
