Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Girl Graduated Kindergarten

This beautiful princess graduated from Kindergarten today. There was no fun little graduation, no fun little ceremonies at school...
Sometimes it drives me crazy... A year ago she should have been happily walking into her 1st grade classroom with a backpack on her back, new pencils in her bag, ready to join all her giggly girl friends in learning to read and write, in slumber parties and giggle fests... 

Instead she was picked up by a special bus and the aide wheeled her into her spot. She had her backpacked strapped to the back of her wheelchair. She did not understand when I told her where she was going.. with strangers. There was no happy giggles or skipping to class. 

Instead of learning to read and write, she is learning to play intentionally, go to the potty, stand and take steps on her own, and how to eat food by mouth. 

However, despite all the challenges facing her, she was a star student. She was one of the easiest, happiest kids in her class. She is loved by her teacher and her classmates. She made huge progress in her class. She learned many new skills....

Sometimes I want to cry for her. I cry for what she lost. I cry for what she could be. I cry for the lost childhood. I cry for the pain she has endured at the hands of those who were supposed to protect her.
Why God?

But I also see the beauty from the ashes.. The sweet angelic child whose gentle spirit impacts everyone who encounters her. The joy and the blessings she has brought into our lives. The gift of unconditional love she gives all of us...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Chickens 2 Me 1 I will win...

When we first moved here, there was no garden. however there was this really nice, very large, raised flower bed behind the garage. So i decided that would be my garden!
We moved in early winter, so it wasn't my first worry. But I did dump leaves and scraps on it over winter. I also collected shredded paper which I layered on top. I went out to a horse farm and collected several totes of horse manure which I hauled home in my van...

4 tiny pepper plants

The first spring, I tilled it all up and planted. The chickens destroyed everything.

3 small rows of green beans

That second winter I added leaves and grass clippings. The chickens scratched it up year round. 

The worst corner of the garden.. corn and weeds

I planted using the square foot method. I had high hopes..

tomatoes and potatoes. My little potato patch is BEAUTIFUL! 

The chickens attacked again. Total loss.

Peas and weeds.. with some onions intermingled. 

I tried again that same spring... my zuccini and one tomato plant survived the chickens... 

That summer I got a new landlord who put up a new fence by my barn. A fence that actually contained the chickens!

Broccoli and weeds
This year my garden is THRIVING!!!!!

my quiet garden corner...

We have a huge amount of lettuce and onions already. The peas will be ready soon, along with the green beans.

I planted everything in small little plots, takes less room and less weeding. I covered everything with wood chips. I think I have at the moment the perfect mix of a garden compost.

I have potatoes, corn, green beans, peas, onions, lettuce, both spring and romaine, radishes, cucumbers, zuccini, broccoli, watermelon, peppers, and tomatoes. I don't have large quantities of anything, but just enough for fresh eating for us. It saves us from running to the roadside stands and it gives the kids unlimited fresh veggies. Yes, they go out to the garden and eat produce straight from the plants.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Encouragement

Today we are remembering some great miracles that God has worked in our "unbloggable" situation. We are remember and trusting. 

God is our hope, our strength, our solid ground. In him we trust. 

So often life is great, we float along. We deserve all the desires of our hearts. We are obedient. We are blessed. It's the grand christian life.
But it's not. God wants us to rely on him. He wants us to trust him for our every moment. He cares about the big things and the little things. But he is more worried about our hearts and souls then about our comforts.

We tend to have entitlement issues. I believe, I obey, I go to church. I just expect to blessed as a result. I just expect to have an easy life. But reality is God wants us to find joy in the hard moments. He wants to hold us up when we can't keep moving forward.

I say this over and over, because I need to hear it over and over again. and again. and then again...

This is my journey. God and I are on this journey together. For that I am thankful.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

sleeping in..

For about 28 years I was the queen of sleeping in. I loved to sleep until 9 or 10 am. There is just nothing like slowly waking up and stretching before starting your day. 

(Nesiah has her own personal pool) 

However, having 6 kiddoes doesn't allow for much sleeping in. If momma is not up and out of bed before the kiddoes, the day does not go well... at all. 

(it is still a little cold)

This last year has really done a number on my sleep. I am surviving on less sleep then ever. However, I have finally moved into the stage where I LOVE getting up early or rather earlier. lol

(sometimes we lose the privilege of swimming, but relaxing in the hammock with a good book is second best) 

It is currently 9:30. My kids had eggs and grits for breakfast, Nesiah has been sent off to school. The house is picked up, dishes are washed and a load of laundry is in the washer, my baseboards were cleaned, my silverware drawer and my bathroom sinks wiped out, and the inside windows were washed.

The kids are swimming in the pool and I am enjoying the peace and quiet of the moment. (I can hear the screaming swimmers through the open window)

The feeling of satisfaction that comes from rising early and getting a good start is worth rolling out of bed at 6:30. It has taken me many years to get to this point...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I have been busy...
We had a relaxing weekend, which included a fellowship meal at church. Yesterday we had fun hanging out at the pool, ignoring our work. ;)
My new printer finally arrived last night and I got started on my homeschool portfolios. So thankful to have that done!
Today includes an appointment followed by a visit to a local craft/art store where kids can create for free.
Tomorrow is our appointment with our homeschool evaluater. Thursday is park day with our homeschool co op....

Plus I have a variety of projects to complete around our house. The barn needs some attention, the animals need some attention...

I have some good posts brewing... but not now.. :)

Friday, May 30, 2014

When Mom Needs Grace

A year ago we had a family event that drastic and suddenly changed life. I had checked out a bunch of library books. Today was the first time in over a year that we went to the library. I had late fees. Staggering late fees.

WE got there 5 minutes before the library closed. I had promised the kids if they had good behavior I would get them each  their own library card.  (yes, we are geeks)

I knew we only had 5 minutes. The lady behind the desk sharply reminded me of this the moment we walked in. I asked the kids to quickly pick two books while I request forms for their cards. She gave me the forms and made it clear that she would NOT be bothered to get us cards today.

I then went straight into paying my fine. It had been lowered because we had eventually returned some books. But was still very high. She informed me that I had to pay cash or no books. The computers were all shut down already.

I had promised my kids cards and books... I couldn't just make them walk out of there without any books.

So I dug in my bag and pulled out all my cash and carefully counted it, I was $10 short. I hesitated, looked at her grumpy face then to my excited kids. Yes I know what kind of irresponsible mom has such huge fines.. I know I know.. lol But her attitude was annoying...

I asked if they could let me borrow books, if I paid with what I had. She started to respond sharply, when from around the corner,our favorite librarian popped up with "oh, let me adjust that. We want you to be able to use the library" and then she deleted the extra ten dollars!!!". I thanked her over and over while Miss Grumpy librarian checked out the books the kids had chosen.

Made my day...

Friday Encouragement

This is one of our favorite songs right now. My kids love singing this song...
They sing: I shook my fist at Heaven and said, God why don't you do something?!
I sing: and God said I did, I created you...

We don't need to rich or famous or even popular. We don't have to have a big house or a nice care. We don't have to be patient and saintly. We only need to have faith and a relationship with Jesus in order to DO SOMETHING!
We don't need to go to Uganda and Haiti. We don't need to adopt. We don't need to do inner city minister. We simply have to DO SOMETHING!

God calls us each to our own journey. He calls some to adopt, some to foster, some to ministry, some to serving Him in their work environment, JUST DO SOMETHING!
God will take what little you have to offer and multiple it. Many times. Over and over. But first we must trust him. over and over...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day Fun

We had planned a relaxing fun weekend. It was a last minute decision my sister and her hubby made to come visit us. So we were excited! We had also planned another get together on Saturday however that was canceled due to both the cold weather and my friend getting a newborn baby!

Saturday morning is always pancakes... sometimes it's plain old pancakes, sometimes it's mickey mouse pancakes! 

My sister went off to meet some old friends. Her poor hubby was left behind with us. After sleeping in for awhile, he offered to do some "fixing" for me! My camper needed a new canopy and the fan needed some repairs. 

I have stared at this fan just like this, more times then I can count! I changed fuses, fussed with electrical stuff etc.. nothing. Within 15 mins and totally disassembling this fan my Bro in law was able to tell me that the motor was jammed. Now we know what is wrong with our fan and hopefully in the next couple weeks I can replace it! 

We had late night snacks... 

The weekend was absolutely beautiful! The kids had so much fun playing! 

This girlie has the most beautiful blond curlies... 

Elizabeth was quite proud of her lion! David made a man! 

This was the beginning of the lion, many accessories were added along the way! 

Sunday morning was relaxing. We skipped church and hung out in the backyard. The kiddoes played in the pool and hit golf balls. 

Neighbor kids who skipped church joined us, mostly because my boys were tired of "all those girls". lol 

Little Missy helped me make breakfast. She was quite the little helper! Very much like her momma and her aunt. This child, along with her very opinionated older sister will do big things in life! 

We had a fun weekend and totally enjoyed having family here. My kids miss out on so many cousin activities and family moments because we live so far from family. Fun weekends like this are savored... 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

When cousins come to play...

My sister and her little family came to visit us! Yes, we could pass for twins, (except for the fact that she is pregnant and I am not! lol )even our kids get confused occasionally.

They came to hang out for the weekend. The kids were so excited. They love hanging with their cousins, even if it doesn't happen much these days!

We had a fun relaxing Saturday, swimming, hanging out etc... We took the kids bowling before dinner. The kids had a total blast! 


sometimes losing to your brothers is just painful... 


The little ones were barely bigger then their balls. But they tried and they had fun! 

There may have been tired little girls... 

Deeply thinking about  how to beat those boys... 

These two had a blast together all weekend! 

 Bowling is one of our favorite activitites as a family. It was extra fun to have cousins along! After bowling we headed back home for dinner and more fun!