Tuesday, February 18, 2014

homeschooling in winter time on the farm!

I have not seen this much snow, since I was a kid! It  comes, one storm after another. We had one big storm with over 15'' of snow, followed by several smaller storms.
  My driveway, while very small and easy to get in an out of, is an absolute mess. We have three of these huge piles of snow, much to the kids delight!  

They have had loads of fun, they build igloos and forts. It has really helped with the winter blues.
They get outside, dig, build, imagine and expand energy. (very important for the mothers of 9 yr old boys)

Our neighbors have blessed us abundantly this winter. Every snow storm my driveway gets plowed. Often in the morning before they go to work.

I am so thankful for warmer temperatures with this last storm. The kids play for hours without getting cold. They come inside soaked through layers of snow clothes. 

We thought this was a lot of snow.... then the real storms began.
We had cold, cold winter days through December and the beginning of January. The water pipes in the barn froze again and again.
The kids had to drag water down the hill.

More snow... it keeps coming.... and coming... and coming... 

This was after 2 days of snowing... the big storm of the year. I can  not keep my bird feeders filled!
We woke up this morning to another 2 in or so of snow. I am done now. Ready for warmer weather! Sunshine. pools. shorts. bike rides. hiking.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Starting over

I have blogged over the years. I first blogged on caringbridge.com when Mr. was sick. After his death, I blogged on xanga. When I got serious about parenting and adoption, I switched to blogger.
I enjoy writing, it is therapeutic for me, when I have the time.

We are in a season where the biggest part of our lives can not be blogged.

However I want to remember these days. I want to remember the days in the trenches with 6 kids, homeschooling, living on a tight budget, single parenting,  watching my kids heal and move forward in life, and learning to eat gluten free.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I missed you...

It has been a long time since I stopped by here.
Life has changed.
I am making some changes.